nodejs学习: bundt,极简的npm打包工具

更新于: 2022-06-11 23:22:49


npm install --save-dev bundt


Most configuration lives within your package.json file. The following keys are evaluated:

"main" — the destination for your CommonJS file
Defaults to dist/{}.js – always built!

"module" — the destination for your ES Module file
A ESM file will not be built if unspecified!

"unpkg" or "umd:main" — the destination for your UMD file
A UMD file will not be built if unspecified!

"umd:name" or "name" — the globally exposed name for your UMD factory
You should use an alternate umd:name if your name is not alphanumeric!

"modes" — a map of "mode" names and their entry files
Your "default" mode will use the destinations defined above.
All other modes replace dist with its name as the new directory.

"terser" — custom Terser options for minification
Alternatively, you may use a .terserrc file~!


yo @jswork/nodejs:bundlt
