tailwind: 取得 colors 配置

取得tailwind自带的 colors 并开发一些有用的东西
更新于: 2024-05-10 09:11:36


import colors from 'tailwindcss/colors.js';


会报一些 deprecated 的 warning,感觉很不友好。

warn - As of Tailwind CSS v2.2, `lightBlue` has been renamed to `sky`.
warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.

warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, `warmGray` has been renamed to `stone`.
warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.

warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, `trueGray` has been renamed to `neutral`.
warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.

warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, `coolGray` has been renamed to `gray`.
warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.

warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, `blueGray` has been renamed to `slate`.
warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.


其实就是消除这个 warning

// prevent tailwindcss from removing these colors
delete colors['lightBlue'];
delete colors['warmGray'];
delete colors['trueGray'];
delete colors['coolGray'];
delete colors['blueGray'];
